Chapter 4

School did not in fact eat me alive (yet), I am very much alive and well despite the fact that I have never been so tired in my life. Here school runs from 7am to 4:30 pm which is 2 hours longer than it is in the states for me. However we get a full 50 minutes for lunch and two 20 minute recesses. The biggest school culture shock was by far the fact that there is no toilet paper in school bathrooms, nor soap. It's a BYOTP kind of situation, that no one warned me about. The classes themselves were far easier than predicted despite being almost entirely in Spanish, I have an English class and a cybersecurity English oriented class. I attend the professional technical school in the area meaning everyone has a specialty, mine is (unfortunately) cybersecurity. This involves using PCs and coding in Spanish, three languages I am not fluent in. I’m not sure there will be much to report in coming weeks, it may be two before I post again. Below are photos from around my school which is half outside and gorgeous.

One of the “hallways”.

Outside my social studies class.

One of a few campus dogs, Coco.

More plants around school.

A folder decorated for me by some new friends.


Chapter 5


Chapter 3