Chapter 12

It’s been a while since I last posted so here is a quick June life update and photo dump. 

First, I got to visit Irazú volcano with my host family back on the second of June. We woke up early and drove to the top of the mountain in time to eat breakfast which was very beautiful. The day after my host mom and I drove an hour to get bagels, and while they weren't the best it was a fun thing to share. Next on the 9th I finally turned 16 and my host family threw me a big party complete with dancing, good food, friends, and a piñata. Then this Monday three other exchange students and I got the opportunity to visit a school in Guacimo, Limon. We met with the students at their English festival and ended up signing a lot of autographs. It was really fun to work with the kids, their eagerness was unmatchable, and despite all the questions about how much McDonalds I eat I really enjoyed it. Then this week I had my mid-stay camp with AFS. We went to a hotel in Puntarenas and got to go to Manuel Antonio beach. It was so good to see everyone, despite this only being our third time in person together we are all very close.

On our way to Irazú.

Irazú crater. You could just barely see the bottom.


There was a lot of confetti and while I wasn’t exactly keen on a big party it ended up being a lot of fun.

The view of my town from my friends house.

The view from my window in Guacimo.

With the kids I got to meet from the school.

Manuel Antonio beach.

Next to the crater, the brown dirt is ash.

More Irazú.

Yes thats my cake in front of me. It was very very good.

Jungle near my house.

On the way from San Jose to Guacimo Limon.

One of the small creeks in Guacimo. There were many monkeys and toucans as well.

At least the view was good while we were stuck in traffic on a mountain for two hours with out cell service.

Hiking behind our hotel.


Chapter 13


Chapter 11